Thursday 4 October 2018

Camping in the Netherlands - Say What?

After the weekend in our precious hotel accommodations we decided to camp. Yes, while the weather was holding and it was not rainy nor too cold we thought sleeping  in a tent would be a good idea (lol). Yeah, I’d say perhaps it was not that good of an idea, anyway, that is what we did.

This was a panorama shot of where we stayed.
If you click on it  you will get a better view.  We camped near a canal. 
We find a camping spot way off he beaten track, at least for the Netherlands. It was near a canal. One day we looked out our tent and there on the canal was what we thought was a huge canal boat motoring by us. That was a huge motivator for us to want to find the boat of our dreams.

When Ken was in the Netherlands by himself, without me, he slept in the back of the car he had rented. He had a nice wooden bed frame and mattress set up for one. When I came on the scene he had to rejig. He got us a tent, sleeping bags and pillows. Great idea, until we tried it. Remember that I had just come from a summer in Mexico and was used to that weather. It was relatively cold by the time the sun set near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the Netherlands. When the sun came up in the morning the tent and the ground near it became wet and damp. We had to wait each morning until the sun dried the tent. We ate our meagre breakfast in the front seat of the car. We tried wiping the tent down with cloth. Each morning we got a rather late start. It was kind of cold taking a shower in the shower rooms which were mostly not heated.

 If you know me, you know that I was not pleased and this camping business which only lasted about week or less. I generally love camping but not like this, nor in a tent. 

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